Sunday, June 22, 2014

First thoughts on To Kill a Mockingbird

    Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, grew up in rural Alabama during the Great Depression. Throughout high school she was passionate about writing. Her father was a lawyer and his prime example inspired her to pursue law herself. She attended University of Alabama and Oxford University and concluded that her future was in writing. To Kill a Mockingbird got published in 1960 and skyrocketed to the best seller list and earned Lee numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize.

    I've been eyeing To Kill a Mockingbird for years, I've just never taken the plunge. I watched the movie in elementary and had difficulty comprehending it. In spite of the confusion, however, I felt a connection to it, to Scout more specifically. Now that Im finally reading it, I'm adopting Scout's perspective. Confronting, with her, a complex, hurting world. I remember so little of the movie, I don't know whether to dread or long for the ending. So I'm really apprehensive to see how everything plays out. I've grown to love Atticus, Jem, Scout, and Calpurnia. And though I recognize the danger Atticus places them in by following his convictions, I know they will stand firm. They're standing on the foundation of goodness and justice. Nothing that blazes their way can uproot them.

"Harper Lee." Famous Authors., n.d. Web. 21 June 2014.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My first week of camp has been an incredible experience. And I'm excited to see how everyone else's  summer progresses. Though we may be on three different continents right now, it'll be wonderful when we all come back together and can tell stories. For now I have to be content with reading your short little blog posts. This summer I know we'll all grow; whether through studying, exercising, hanging out with family, working, or reading. I'm psyched out of my mind to hear about all you'll be up to. Love and miss you guys!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What Summer's lookin' like

The beginning of summer has been a sort of calm before the storm. Hiking in the beautiful Appalachians, watching great old movies like Roman Holiday, reading Wizard of Oz aloud with the family, playing tennis, etc. But I just got to Camp Orchard Hill, which will soon pack out my schedule. This week is orientation for the staff and I'm learning a lot about working with swarms of kids, both good and bad aspects. I'm scared, but excited for what this summer camp adventure will bring. I feel inexperienced, but I know that God has incredible things prepared for this summer. To explain what I'll be doing more specifically: I'll be in charge of 10 campers ages 9-12. The ultimate purpose is to help them learn and grow in the love and knowledge of God. We counselors will be watching over them and mentoring them. Ill be in charge of a small group, lead games with them, take them swimming, hiking, rock climbing, canoeing, etc, etc. I'm really excited for what's in store, just waiting to see what God does in my life and the lives of the campers while I'm here.