Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Storm chasing me

My first near car accident. Had nothing to do with me, had nothing to do with another driver, but had everything to do with one of the craziest thunderstorms I've ever been in. After work was over last Tuesday, I went to drive to Planet Fitness. The sky was blue, seemed like there was nothing to worry about. Five minutes into the drive I get a message that I should turn back because there were tornado and thunderstorm warnings. Just as I'm turning around the flood gates of heaven rip open and the downpour began. For a few stressful moments I fiddled with the windshield wipers. I was completely blind. And even when I got them going full speed, I was still squinting to see through my streaming windshield. As I'm driving back to camp, branches are whipping around me and then just a few feet in front of me, a tree comes crashing down across the road, completely blocking my path. Now I started to panic as I laboriously make a 9-point turn while shouldering my phone and consulting a friend  about getting back to camp. He directed me to another road which was also blocked. At this point, cars are everywhere, big trees are across almost every road, and rain is coming down in sheets. I'm on the verge of tears with exasperation. My friend, Derek told me to go to a diner nearby to wait until he could get to me and help me get back to camp. I waited for about 30 minutes at the diner watching the sky turn a sickly shade of yellow. He finally got there, remember I'm only five minutes from camp at this point. There, after talking to Jody we waited for another hour for a guy named Rob to pick us up in his jeep. Rob wasn't able to get to us, and by now the rain and wind has died down. So Derek and I drove home in his car leaving mine at the diner. It took us another 30 minutes to get home, passing live cables, a tree fallen into a house, and roads littered with branches. When we got back the power at camp was out. And it was out until Thursdays at noon.

1 comment:

  1. *GASP* Sounds exciting and scary! Glad you were able to survive to tell the tale!
