Saturday, August 23, 2014


    Two weeks ago I had a camper who had special needs but no TSS worker. Her name was Angelina and she had a form of Autism that made her easily irritable and difficult to guide and instruct. I had to keep a constant eye on her because the minute I would turn away she'd vanish. I actually lost her on multiple occasions for this very reason. So to say in the very least, I was frustrated, and exhausted. Throughout all of this I wrongly assumed that she wasn't benefiting much from her camp experience because she was so aloof.
      But on the Friday before she left I was taking her to the bathroom and she spoke to me, the first time she said something to me that wasn't out of irritation at me for telling her what to do. She said to me, "I used to go to another camp and all the kids laughed at me and made fun of me. But here it's so different, the people are so nice to me. I love this camp."
I didn't know what to say, I had to fight back tears because after all the stress and difficulties and after struggling with my own faults and my own impatience, I could clearly see the evidence of God's work and I could see how He is bringing about change in spite of our own failings.

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