Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

 I was interested in the fact that Hemingway's writing career was launched through his journalistic experience. I've always felt that journalistic writing is so vastly different from writing novels and that switching between the two would be extremely difficult. I want to read some of the articles he wrote early in his writing career and see if I can recognize some parallels between the books he's written and the articles he wrote before hand. I do agree with the biography that journalism teaches a writer to simplify and focus their writing. Since I started Old Man and the Sea I already recognize how he uses few words to convey a lot of meaning.
I love how he met so many renowned writers of the day. I wonder if he gleaned anything from their particular views and ideas.
I think, like Hemingway, all writers should travel the world and gather experiences, because having the gift of sharing and conveying images and messages they should travel and absorb so they can enable others to experience the world vicariously.
Seeing how such a successful, influential person deteriorated and decided to end his life reminds me how someone might have every reason for satisfaction and a feeling of self-fulfillment, but they remain empty because God was not a part of their life. A person might have everything, but only God can truly satisfy and fulfill us in our brokenness.

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