Saturday, August 23, 2014

My power is made perfect in your weakness

     This summer God's made His presence apparent. I've always loved 2 Corinthians 12:9 "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." But this summer Gods been brought my understanding of this verse to a completely new level.
We are so inadequate and so undeserving of the responsibility of representing Christ and being his instruments. Yet God delights in using us and placing us in the places we can best grow. His glory shines so brightly in contrast to our meekness.
      The minute I stepped into Camp Orchard Hill I was daunted by my own gross inexperience. The majority of the other counselors had grown up with camp and many of them were in college or just starting. I had never been responsible for so many children or for children with special needs, I had never lead group activities, or had to improvise games on rainy days, I had never gave Bible lessons. I came into this experience utterly empty handed and without God I would have drowned under the pressure and the demands.
       But God's grace is astounding and abundant. In the midst of my countless mistakes, my ignorance, and my insecurities, God was at work. He surrounded me with patient, loving friends and examples who came beside me and helped me, and he blessed me with ideas and the words to say when I needed them.
      I know I've learned so much this summer, and it's all from what I've seen God do, and how he worked wonders through all of us who are so unqualified and so lacking.

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